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Create Your Legacy at OLLI

OLLI at UM is a vibrant, exciting community where members learn, grow, and thrive. To continue to offer these intellectual enrichment, service, social, and cultural opportunities well into the future, OLLI at UM needs your support. Planned gifts, also called legacy or estate gifts, are a crucial source of future funding that enables OLLI at UM to plan and carry out the best possible programs to meet the needs and desires of its members for years to come. In addition to allowing you to leave your legacy at OLLI at UM, the best planned gifts combine your charitable and financial goals to take advantage of tax and estate planning techniques and incentives that can result in benefits to you, your estate and/or heirs.

There are many planned gift options available:

  • Bequest in a will or trust
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Charitable lead trust
  • Charitable IRA rollover
  • Life insurance bequest
  • Retirement asset bequest
  • Retained life estate

The University of Miami’s Office of Estate and Gift Planning can help you determine the best vehicle(s) to meet your circumstances and create a plan that will make an impact at OLLI for generations. Any gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. All discussions are confidential. 

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